Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby #4

The long awaited day has arrived! I honestly can't believe that next week I will be half way done with the pregnancy. It's crazy to think about, that's for sure.
So, we have an answer to the long awaited question, "Do you know what you're having?"

We can now say, "yes, we do. We're having a...." (The pictures may not be the best, but they're the best we could do! Find the picture that will give you the answer.)

I tried to add a video of the kids' reactions, but I'm having issues, so that will wait for a later day. However, for those who know Celeste, I'm sure you can imagine VERY well what her reaction was like without actually seeing the video!


Amanda D said...

Oh, congrats! I am happy for you.

I assume that Celeste was disappointed, but she wont have to share a room when she is older, right?!

Hope you are feeling good!

The Cole Family said...

Congrats! I'm glad everything so far is going good. I'm sure she'll be happier once he is out and she gets to hold him ;)

Cavan, Sarah, KaeLynn said...

A Boy!!! Congrats!!!! I am sure Celeste was just a little sad right? :) We are so anxiousness to see you guys!!