Monday, May 28, 2012

Fun in the sun!

I have found, that I'm really enjoying Kentucky weather. We have heard all over the place that this winter wasn't nearly as cold as it usually gets and this spring has been crazy hot already, so we have no idea what a normal spring is like, but I'm happy so far. The a/c is on and the house is cool. Before Mother's Day, we tried to take some pictures of the kids.
These are the pictures we were able to get of them. Since then, they have ALL had hair cuts, including Celeste who was able to donate her hair to locks of love. We're going to have to try another photo session with their shorter hair. Gordon was going through a phase of saying cheese while NOT looking at the camera, but over the last few days, he has been looking at the camera again, so we'll try again now and see if we can get some good pictures to update our wall.

These are some pictures of the kids playing in the sprinkler in the backyard. They love playing in the water as much as possible. Our neighbors have a pool and invite the kids over frequently. They love having our kids over and will even feed them if they happen to be there when they start eating. I definitely have a lot to learn about just inviting extra kids in for dinner. I usually only cook enough for my family with very few left overs just because I know exactly what they will eat. It's so nice having good kids and kind parents around to include our kids. They love their new friends and we're so thankful for that!

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