Saturday, December 29, 2012
One Year Anniversary
Monday, December 17, 2012
Thomas at 2 Months
Today we took Thomas in for his 2 month check up. Last month I was a little concerned about his weight being so low, but not to worry, that is not the case anymore!
Thomas is now 22 inches long, his head is 15 3/8 inches and his weight is 10.12 lbs! He has really put on the weight from a month ago. He eats well and is sleeping so much better, so there is no longer a worry that he is tiny like before!
He’s smiling and follows me with his eyes. He can lift and hold his head up like a natural and as though it doesn’t weigh a ton on his little neck. He is sleeping about 5 hours at night between feedings, so Mom is happy as well. He has great kissing cheeks that his mom and siblings take advantage of regularly and he has learned to tolerate his brother, Gordon’s, love for him, even if it is a little uncomfortable!
He’s such a sweet addition to our family and I’m so grateful to have him as part of our family.
Sick Week
So, a week ago, Friday, Eddie came into our room in the middle of the night to inform us that he didn’t feel well. Of course, as happens with most kids, he showed us before he could actually say anything, so he spent his birthday sick instead of having a party. This is my sick boy on his birthday, still smiling even though his tummy hurt.
Then Gordon got whatever it was that Eddie had and took it to a whole new level. From Monday night to yesterday (Sunday), my poor Gordon has had a sensitive tummy and he couldn’t keep anything down. Almost a whole week before he could finally keep his breakfast down this morning. I don’t have a picture of him, but he’s lost weight and looks so different from what he used to look. It took so much out of him, that one night after he threw up, he wanted to take a bath and this is how we found him.
He fell asleep in the bath! I have never seen this happen to him before. Yes, I have fallen asleep while taking a bath because I was so relaxed, but my son does not fall asleep in the bath. He plays and makes a mess on the floor and drops cars in the tub during bath time. Never does he fall asleep!
Don’t worry though, he’s had plenty to eat today and will have no problem putting the weight that he lost back on quickly! He has also gone back to pretending to be the Avengers throughout the day, so life is good again! We called the doctor at the end of last week and they weren’t concerned unless it was over a week, so we’ve lucked out that he’s better and life has gone back to normal!
Of course, Celeste couldn’t be left out! She had to get sick on Wednesday of last week when she should have been getting ready for Activity Days. It went away quickly, but she still stayed home on Thursday and was a big help while I was yucky feeling from being around all of the yuckiness that was in the house.
We were very blessed though. Kyle, Thomas and I didn’t get it. Kyle and I both had our moments of feeling kind of gross because we were cleaning up after everyone else and breathing it in, but Thomas didn’t get it and we just had to leave the house for a little while to start feeling better, so we lucked out. After speaking with the doctor and nurse today at Thomas’ check-up, we found out it wasn’t the flu, but some other brutal virus that is going around the area. I don’t know what the virus is called, but I never want to experience that in our house again!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Grandma’s Visit and Thanksgiving
Grandma actually just left yesterday, but already we all miss her! She came a week before Thanksgiving and stayed with us for 1o days. They were some of the best 10 days ever. Once again, having extra hands to help out and make life a little easier spoiled me. Grandma insisted on doing the dishes for us every day and would even kick me out of the kitchen to go do something else if I started the dishes first. Of course she made all of Kyle’s favorite dinners!
Kyle also blessed Thomas while Grandma was here. It was really nice to have some family here for the blessing. It would have been nice to have done it while Papa was here, but since we couldn’t do it then, having Grandma there was pretty special.
Thanksgiving was definitely different for all of us. We’re not used to seventy degree weather on Thanksgiving day, but that’s what we had this year! Kyle was planning on barbequeing the turkey, but never planned on being able to wear shorts and a t-shirt while doing it! The turkey was beautiful and everyone enjoyed the great weather. Grandma really got to experience it all here though because the next day was colder than cold.
We also decorated for Christmas this weekend. Kyle brought up all of our boxes and as we started going through them, I realized I didn’t know where I wanted to put things, so a lot of my day was spent trying to figure out where everything should go. We got some real garland to go up the banister and found where our stockings are going to be hung. Our Christmas tree was decorated and Kyle started the outdoor lights. He’s in the same position I was in on the inside of the house. We just don’t know what we want to do with what, but he got a good start. Now he just needs to finish!
We have found one other cool thing about Kentucky that we didn’t have in Oregon. It’s okay to be religious here. Saturday night we decided to go through what they call a Mega Cave that is decorated with lights for Christmas. It was so neat to go through and we may even spend the money again to go through a second time closer to Christmas just to keep us in the holiday spirit.
We also took the kids to see Santa on Monday. I know it’s a lot in one post, but it’s been a busy week! This Santa was so cool! We got there when there wasn’t anyone else there. Santa was playing the guitar and singing Christmas carols. Then he spoke with each of the kids about what they wanted. After pictures, he asked the kids to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with him before we left. I think this Santa may have been the real deal!
Thanks for visiting Grandma. We miss you already!
Nana and Papa Visit
It’s been a month since my parents were here, but life has been a little crazy, so blogging is sporadic! The kids had a hard time when Nana and Papa left. Who wouldn’t when Papa did their chores for them and Nana baked and cooked yummy food for them all week? I was sad to see them leave at the end of the week, but we had so much fun showing them around our new city. Next time they come I promise not to sleep until eleven in the morning after being up all night! Next time we will also have found some new things to do to change it up from this trip, but for a first visit to a new state, I think it went alright! Thanks for visiting Nana and Papa. We miss you tons!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
One Month Old
Thomas is one month old today. To celebrate, he had a doctor’s appointment! Today, he is 7lbs, 15oz and 21 inches long. He is in the 7th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height. He’s tiny compared to my other boys, so I was a little concerned, but the doctor said there isn’t anything to worry about, he is well proportioned. He is sleeping up to 4 1/2 hours at night now, so I may be able to get past this cold that I have had since he was born!
He is a well loved baby with three older siblings who make sure he never has to cry or be alone. Celeste is wonderful around dinner time when I can’t hold Thomas and make dinner at the same time! Eddie is willing to hold Thomas or retrieve diapers or anything that he can to help his little brother. Gordon, however, is probably the cutest with Thomas, although the scariest as well! Gordon will try to hold his brother, shove a pacifier in his mouth, whether he wants it or not, and try to change a diaper on his own. Yes, he wants to be and is a big help, but he also makes my job a lot harder. I can’t leave Gordon alone with Thomas for long, so everything happens quickly, but I love that he loves his baby brother!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Thomas Mikel Hunter
We are excited to announce Thomas Mikel Hunter as the newest member of our family. He was born at 8:10pm on October 15, 2012. He weighed in at 7lb. 5oz and was 19 inches long. I was induced exactly a week early because I delivered Gordon so quickly last time, we didn’t want to take the chance of having Thomas in a car this time!
Because I was so early (I usually deliver right at 40 weeks if not over, so a week early was almost too early for my body), it ended up taking quite a while for contractions to start even with pitocin. Once they started though, my body was able to progress. The doctor broke my water at 6pm and Thomas was born two hours later.
We are already in love with this little boy. He has blonde hair, which is new for our babies, usually they are darker hair to begin with and then turn blonde, but his hair is also a little wavy, so we can’t wait to see what happens in the future. We’re curious to see if he looks like his brothers or if our caboose is going to be different in looks from the rest of the kids.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Pumpkin Patch
When we got to the orchard, we found out that the u-pick prices and the already picked prices for apples was the same, so it wasn't really worth going to the apple orchard to pick, but the pumpkin patch was open and ready for visitors, so we decided we may as well visit there and just buy our apples at the store they had there. They also made apple cinnamon doughnuts and pumpkin spice doughnuts that we just HAD to try. They were so yummy, nice and warm and fabulous! They had pumpkin ice cream, but it was crazy expensive, so we decided to spend our money elsewhere and make our own pumpkin milk shakes at home later!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Happy Birthday Celeste!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
First Day of School
They are both so excited to be going to school. Eddie said he was a little bit scared, but he's so excited to be going to school finally that the nerves weren't a problem. My sweet babies are growing up so fast!