Monday, December 17, 2012

Thomas at 2 Months

DSC06838 Today we took Thomas in for his 2 month check up. Last month I was a little concerned about his weight being so low, but not to worry, that is not the case anymore!

Thomas is now 22 inches long, his head is 15 3/8 inches and his weight is 10.12 lbs! He has really put on the weight from a month ago. He eats well and is sleeping so much better, so there is no longer a worry that he is tiny like before!

He’s smiling and follows me with his eyes. He can lift and hold his head up like a natural and as though it doesn’t weigh a ton on his little neck. He is sleeping about 5 hours at night between feedings, so Mom is happy as well. He has great kissing cheeks that his mom and siblings take advantage of regularly and he has learned to tolerate his brother, Gordon’s, love for him, even if it is a little uncomfortable!

He’s such a sweet addition to our family and I’m so grateful to have him as part of our family.


1 comment:

Amanda D said...

He looks like a little porcelain doll. So cute! And tiny still. (Although, Misha's baby is four months and still weighs ten pounds).

Glad that everyone is feeling better!