Monday, July 29, 2013

Holiday Road Trip Part 1

One would think that taking a baby in a car across the country along with his three older siblings would be torture and the parents would be insane for trying such a thing. Well, we must be insane, but we are all still alive, so it couldn’t have been that bad, right?!

This year, Kyle got even more ingenious than normal. We sold our truck and purchased a minivan before the trip (a story for another time) and Kyle installed a DVD player and a sensor bar for the Nintendo Wii, so the kids could play games while we were driving. I was a little worried about the Wii because I know that they can fight, but I went with it.


The kids did a great job playing for the most part. It was actually a lot of fun watching them play together. Celeste thought for sure that she would win because she’s older, but Eddie plays a lot more at home. Smile (Do you see poor Gordon? He’s so unhappy with an ear drum that is causing him pain. I felt so bad that he had such a hard time.)

We did stop a little a long the way though. It made the trip longer, but it was nice to get out and enjoy just a few sites along the way.




Gordon wasn’t interested in going up to the arch, so Celeste and Eddie went with Kyle and the two younger boys and I stayed back. I love the picture of all four of the kids with the arch behind them though.


Our first glimpses of Mt. Hood from the road. It was so exciting to see that view!

Can you believe we didn’t take the camera out while we were visiting Utah? I can’t. I think we were just so excited to be out of the car and the kids were so excited to play, that we didn’t even consider the camera, even though there were so many family members there to visit with and we could have taken pictures.

Next blog…Vacation – Week 1!

1 comment:

Amanda D said...

That picture with all four kids and the arch is AMAZING! I want to see that someday. Glad you guys survived the drive here & back! :)