Friday, August 3, 2012

First Oregon Beach Trip

I have so many adventures to write about in Oregon that I'm just going to take it a little at a time so I don't overwhelm myself or anyone else with my jabberings! Our first week in Oregon was so relaxing and fun. The kids enjoyed playing with their cousins constantly. It was actually quite funny to watch Gordon wake up in the morning and want to run next door to get KaeLynn to play. Poor KaeLynn's sleep schedule was so thrown off with my kids around that she often didn't wake up until late in the morning, which was torture for Gordon!

Anyway, Grandma wanted to go to the beach for a night with us while we were in town. We got into Lincoln City and went straight for the beach. Of course, luck wasn't completely on our side, but it wasn't raining, so we played anyway. The wind blew, which was great for a kite, but not nearly as fun for trying to eat or see anything! It didn't stop the kids though, they played in the sand and even went near the water. We didn't take very many pictures the first day just because we were afraid we would end up with sand in the camera with all of the wind.

The next day was GORGEOUS though! We went down to Depot Bay and then on to Newport before heading home. Kyle was able to get some great pictures. We plan to use one of the pictures on our wall in our living room where we have a big blank spot right now. I can't wait to decide on the picture and get it printed! 

Thanks Grandma for the fabulous night at the beach! We had so much fun and enjoyed playing on the beach. Kyle and I especially liked dinner with all you can eat crab legs! SO GOOD!

1 comment:

Amanda D said...

I just love spending time at the Oregon coast. Glad you got to enjoy it while you were here!