Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Working in the Yard

On Saturday the weather was nice enough to get out in the yard and finally mow for the first time this season. It was nice last weekend, but we were at the beach and Kyle doesn't usually have time during the week because of school, so Saturday was the day! Eddie got to help Dad mow the lawn with his bubble mower. He followed him all over the place with that thing and loved every minute of it!

Gordon has been wanting to walk around the back yard for weeks now, but because we have a dog and this was the first time we have gotten out in the back yard to take care of doggy "gifts", Gordon has been able to walk around and play in the back yard, so Saturday was his day to enjoy his yard!

Grim loved having us all in the yard to play and throw the ball for him. Our new neighbors have a little yappy dog who wanted to come play too, so we promised to set up a doggy play date soon. The kids loved playing outside while we worked. Gordon didn't want to get off the swing, he had so much fun. It was a nice afternoon for everyone!

With as much as we love winter and all of the excitement that it brings, I think the Hunter family is ready for some summer fun around our house!

1 comment:

Cavan, Sarah, KaeLynn said...

That is so nice to have a swing set in your back yard! I need something in our back yard to entertain KaeLynn!