Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Birthday

Well, yesterday was my birthday, but it's much more fun to celebrate all weekend, right!? Saturday night we invited our friends over for games after the kids were in bed and we could enjoy ourselves. We stayed up playing games and eating all sorts of unhealthy food until we couldn't think any more. It was so fun to have our friends here, thanks so much for coming everyone who was able to. I know it's hard to find babysitters sometimes, but I sure had a good time!

Then on Sunday evening we had all of our family over at our little house for tons of noise, dinner and birthday cheesecake! My mom did a great job of taking pictures of everyone for me. I have to thank you for that Mom, I had too much on my mind to take pictures, so I'm grateful you thought about it!

Last night we finally went to experience Buffalo Wild Wings. It was actually really good. I got this massive burger that I could only eat half of and had to bring the other half home for lunch today. The kids shared some pulled-pork sandwiches and Kyle had to get the wings. He also asked them to bring some Mango sauce. He thought it would be nice and sweet and taste really good just to find out that it was three from the top on the very spicey side, so he was burning up before he realized what it was! It was fun to take the kids out. We have been doing our best not to go out often and have been succeeding so well that our kids were a bit crazy. We went early enough though that no one really cared, so it was an enjoyable night. I had a great birthday weekend and am so glad that I was able to spend it with all of the people that I love. Thank you all for celebrating with me!


nanadover said...

Hey...I'm glad I got some good shots!
It was a wild crowd there!
Hope you had a great time! You only turn 30 once, you know!
Let's see...I was about 10 when I had you, wasn't I?

Naomi said...

Glad you had a many great bday celebrations! Happy belated cousin. Love and hugs from Texas!

The Kirkmans said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday. I wish I still lived close enough to you to have game nights with you. Cheesecake is the best birthday cake!!