Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hope at the end of the rainbow!

Well, as you have read in the past, my life has consisted of potty training a very stubbern little boy. Well, today I have to say, there is hope at the end of the rainbow! We went to the zoo with my mom, sister, and two sister-in-laws plus all of our kids. Eddie wanted to wear his Elmo underwear so badly that I told him he could, but if he pee-peed in them, then he would have to wear a diaper. After many bribes and forcing, we made it through the entire trip to the zoo with no accidents. Wahoo!!! I was so proud of him and he was pretty proud of himself. We unfortunately had a pretty big accident after we got home, but he didn't like it at all and I'm not sure he'll do it ever again because he hated how it felt! I think we have broken through and potty training can't get anything but better from here!! I post pictures when he gets his new underwear with Grandma!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

CONGRATS! Potty training is a whole lotta fun LOL.