Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thomas is 4 Months!


Yes, 4 months have gone by since Thomas was born. It’s crazy how time flies. He is getting bigger and bigger every day and it makes me sad to think that my baby is growing so fast. He actually had his check up on the 15th, so these are the stats:

He weighs 15.2 lbs and is in the 44 percentile. He is 25 3/8 inches long and in the 60 percentile and his head is 16.5 inches and in the 58 percentile.


He is loved very much by all of this siblings. In fact, Gordon started tearing up at Thomas’ checkup because he didn’t want his brother to get hurt by the shots. It was so sweet and wonderful that Gordon wanted to take care of his brother so much. Celeste and Eddie are equally as invested in this little boy. They leave for school in the morning and say good bye to Tommy and no one else. They get home from school in the afternoon and kiss Tommy on the check before doing anything else. Thomas isn’t rolling over yet because he still has helpers, but he’s close and I’m not worried. He loves watching his siblings play and especially likes it when his siblings play with him. We also have neighbor girls who come over and ask if they can watch Tommy while they are playing upstairs with Celeste. It’s so cute and actually very helpful when I’m trying to get stuff done, so I gladly accept their offer to watch him! Celeste can even get him to sleep, so I probably should start paying them for their time, but I figure that when they are the ones asking to watch him, I don’t have to pay, right?!


We got some pictures and video of Thomas cooing and talking the other night. He is such a sweet boy and we love him so much!


Amanda D said...

He looks so much like Gordon to me. So cute! I can't believe it's been 4 months.

Cavan, Sarah, KaeLynn said...

Oh sweet sweet boy! That is so great the other kids have welcomed him into the family so nicely!