Monday, April 23, 2012

The Zoo

A few weeks ago Celeste had spring break. My intention had been to do some fun activities with the kids everyday during the week to keep them entertained and not inside watching TV the whole week, since Kyle had to work. Our weather has been amazing. I figured with the weather in the 80's the week before, we would be able to go to some parks and find some water parks or something if not put the sprinkler in the yard. I had also planned on going to the zoo. Well, the week of spring break ended up being wet and cold all week! HOWEVER! Thursday turned out to be cold, but sunny, so we took advantage of it to go to the zoo. The boys and I have been a few times now, but Celeste had yet to go, so we knew we would be there for the whole thing because Celeste wanted to see everything the boys had already seen.
This orangutan loves staring out the glass at the kids. He will follow the kids with his eyes when they walk away if he's not done looking at them. It scared Gordon the first time we saw him, but Gordon loved watching him with his sister.

Big Louie, the white alligator. He just sits in the sun all day, usually with his eyes closed. None of my kids wanted to get near the glass to take a picture!

I HAD to post this picture. While we were eating lunch, there was a goose looking for some lunch as well. He was wandering the tables looking for stuff on the ground. When he couldn't find anymore food, he came for Eddie's sandwich in his hand. We finally had to throw some bread across the deck that we were on to get him to go away until Eddie could finish his sandwich. I know throwing food for them isn't good, but it was better than it taking food out of Eddie's hand and possibly biting him in the process. We decided that from now on we'll make sure there aren't any geese around before we sit down to eat! 

I LOVE this zoo because random animals just wander around. This is a peacock that passed us as we were going to the elephants. He was just wandering through the park and the kids loved watching him.

This zoo also has some great toys for the kids. I'm not sure if I have posted a picture of this van before, but the kids love it. It's the cutest thing and so random at the zoo, but so fun at the same time!

The zoo even has a water park. It wasn't open because it was so darn cold the day we went, but I can't wait for this summer when the kids can go and play in the water. Gordon is so excited to play in the ship and Eddie wants to pretend like he's a pirate!

This zoo doesn't have a bird show like the Oregon zoo, but they do have some cool training sessions with the animals. This is the sea lion and seal training session. They have a stadium for us to sit in and work on tricks. They even have the seal and sea lion trained to swim in a pattern, so you always have a chance to see them whether you are on the lower level by the window or up above watching. We missed the training and feeding times for the polar bears and the tigers, but we'll see them eventually this summer and get pictures.

We got pretty lucky with that sunny day because the next day it ended up being warm, but rainy again. Of course, last week when Celeste went back to school, the weather was better again, however the airshow was this weekend and freezing! I'll be posting those pictures next!

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