Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hunter Family Snow Day 2011

A month or go Kyle decided he really wanted to take a day at the beginning of this year to go to the mountain and play in the snow. His family knows of a great place to go tubbing. There is a shelter with a wood stove, so you can bring a pot of whatever you want to keep warm and water to boil for hot chocolate and play for several hours without too many cold problems. We kept our kids out of school, bundled them up and drove to the mountain for the day.

Eddie coming down the mountain with cousin Breanne. They were coming so fast, Eddie ended up with snow in his eyes and he never did go back up that particular hill. Don't worry though, there were other hills that he had no problem going down all day long!

Celeste had a great day. She started off with the easy hill, but after several rounds, decided that she needed more adventure and went for one of the larger hills.
Auntie Erin with Stevie 3. It was Stevie's first time in the snow and he enjoyed every minute of it!
Aunt Cheryn and Uncle Brandon bought Gordon snow toys (sand toys, but Gordon could care less what the original intent was for!) This is Stevie 3 playing with Aunt Cheryn in the snow.
Kyle going down the big hill. He went almost to the top before he was too tired and decided to just go down. There was ice under the snow, so it was rather slippery and there were ice bumps, so Kyle got some good air.
The cousins sharing a sled down the little hill. They loved going up and down that hill all day. They would climb up themselves just so they could get someone to push them down.
Gordon's nap time was right during our trip and he was NOT going to let the fun stop him until he just couldn't cope anymore. He fell asleep by the fire, so we laid him on the table net to the fire to keep warm. He didn't sleep long, but it was long enough that he woke up in a good mood!

Grandma figured out that the birds loved corn bread and started feeding them. Then Breanne started feeding them and Stevie 3 wanted to try it too.
The bird landed on Bre's hand many times, but when it finally started perching there long enough to get pictures, we were all excited! It was so cool!!
It was a beatiful day at the mountain. The weather was perfect for a day of sledding with the kids and we didn't have any accidents to worry about. Heavenly Father sure showed us His love that day as we enjoyed a day as a family! I can't wait to do it again next year!!

1 comment:

Amanda D said...

We haven't been out to play in the snow at all this year. I think we went to this place last year though. Definitely a great way to spend the day! Glad you had fun.