Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween

This year, Halloween has been lots of fun. Gordon is older and understands what is going on a little more, so everything has been a lot of fun for all of our kids. I think the only thing we missed this year was making sugar cookies, so we'll try and add that to our activity list next year!

A week before Halloween we carved pumpkins. Casey and Roy'l came over with Javin and brought Roy'l's brother to carve their pumpkins. While we were starting, Kyle's sister, Erin, called to see what we were doing. When she found out we were carving pumpkins she wanted to come over and join in the festivities. She's still newly married and with it just being the two newly weds, it doesn't seem as fun to carve pumpkins without lots of people around. We had a house full, but had so much fun.

I do have to say, Gordon LOVED all of the pumpkin activities. He was even eating the raw pumpkins and seeds. It was slightly gross for the rest of us to watch, but he just loved the whole experience!

These are most of the pumpkins all lit up after they were done being carved.

Friday before Halloween Casey called to see what we were doing, so we came up with plans! We decided to have homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner and then make caramel apples for dessert. Eddie was supposed to go with Nana that night to spend the night with Leann, so we invited Nana and Leann over for caramel apples also. It was a sticky mess, but the kids LOVED all of the yumminess. Okay, the adults loved it too, but you can tell from the little boys that they definitely loved it!!

Javin and Gordon enjoying their caramel apples!
Gordon did great with keeping his costume on this year and being able to say "Trick or Treat", but he definitely prefered the candy! Kyle always takes the kids out and I stay home to pass out candy. I don't seriously know how he did at the door, but he sure loved going out. He was so upset when he had to come inside! (He's an elephant, but has been called an aardvark by Uncle Casey!)
Celeste was going to be a zombie Little Red Riding Hood, but a few days before Halloween, she decided she wanted to be Sleeping Beauty because Auntie Erin's dog was going to be Sleeping Beauty. So, here is my princess instead of my zombie! Eddie wanted to be Lightening McQueen over a month ago. I was looking for used costumes because I didn't want to pay for the costume, but I wasn't able to find anything. Then I went to a consignment sale and found Mater for $5! It was the best day ever to be able to find the costume for so cheap. So, I brought it home and we talked Eddie into the costume and he has been excited to be Mater ever since.
I hope everyone had a great Halloween. We sure did. Now it's on to Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

nanadover said...

cute pictures!...as I pick roasted pumpkin seeds from my teeth...