Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Two Months Old

Yesterday Gordon turned two months old. He is getting bigs and chunky as you can see in the pictures! I am happy to report that he is finally sleeping well at night and has found his eating and sleeping schedule - yea!!! He still likes to be held more than be put down, but he is learning that Mom can't hold him all of the time. I am also happy to report that he doesn't spit up if I eat chocolate, although that may not be a good thing for me!! We are sure enjoying him though. He is smiling and talking to us. We took him to the roadster show in the baby sling and he wasn't at all happy until he was sitting up and could see the cars, so we may have another car crazed kid on our hands!!


Brooke said...

Gordon is a doll! I wish I could hold him and love him. He has such handsome eyes.

nanadover said...

AAahhhh...my little Gordon Benjamin! What a sweet little guy! And you're right Brooke, he has wonderful eyes!

Lorna DeRoest said...

What a cutie he is. It would be very easy to mix him up with Eddie. Those eyes and smile.
Love ya, Aunt Lorna

Cavan, Sarah, KaeLynn said...

Oh I just love him! SO cute!! You guys sure make cute kids!