Today Thomas is 6 months old and how did we celebrate? By taking him to the doctor!
Tommy is doing very well. He weighs in at 17lbs 15oz in the 58th percentile, his height is 27.125” in the 70th percentile and his head circumference is 17.25” in the 63rd percentile. He’s rolling over very well and would probably sit up on his own if he would sit still long enough to do so!
He loves to laugh at his siblings when they do silly things, although they don’t even have to do something silly to make him laugh. He is ticklish on his chest and back and loves to eat his feet if he can. He drools like crazy, but we haven’t seen any teeth nor do we feel any coming through any time soon. The poor boy had to have shots today at his check up, although I’m not sure he really cried over the shots as much as the fact that the nurse had to hold his legs down in order to give the shots to him. He hated not being able to move his legs and when she was done, he kicked like crazy to make up for it.
He had the same beautiful blue eyes that his siblings have and gets compliments all of the time about them. I love being able to dress him in blue to make them stand out even more. He’s a wonderful boy who already is showing his personality and I love it!